Evolucare’s expertise at the service of social care players
In 2024, Evolucare strengthened its commitment to professionals in the social care sector by organising a series of themed webinars, designed to address regulatory and practical issues. These sessions, which were open to all Imago DU customers, enabled a large number of organisations to optimise their use of the software while learning about new features linked to the french Ségur programme and core services (INS, DMP, MSS).
A collaborative and educational success
With 120 hours of webinars and almost 2,800 participants, the initiative was a real success. The topics covered, such as version releases and modules specific to Ségur, enabled us to support our users as they faced changes in the sector. Nicolas Raulais and Thomas Morard led the sessions with their expertise and teaching skills, and we would like to thank them for their commitment and professionalism. A big thank you also to Pascale Girard, deployment assistant, who managed the large number of registrations for our webinars without fail!
Focus on the Ségur programme and core services
The webinars covered a range of topics that are essential for medical and social care establishments, highlighting the importance of regulatory compliance and tool interoperability. Key topics includes:
- INS (National Health Identity): reminder of the regulatory bases and use in Imago DU.
- DMP (Dossier Médical Partagé – shared medical file): integrating and filing documents.
- MSS (Messagerie Sécurisée de Santé): a key tool for secure exchanges.
- Evolucare Analytics: enhancement of indicators and production of Ségur-related reports.
These themes have been designed for Imago referrers, project managers and paramedical and medical staff, to ensure that each user’s role is properly understood.
A tailor-made support approach
Each webinar was organised around a presentation by an Evolucare consultant, followed by an interactive Q&A session via chat. Participants were thus able to express their specific needs, reinforcing the close relationship between the Evolucare teams and users.
2025: A promising year with 10 new sessions
Building on this momentum, Evolucare is continuing its efforts in 2025, with 10 new dates already planned. The objective remains unchanged: to support medico-social players with reliable, intuitive tools that comply with regulatory requirements, while making it easier to integrate them into business processes.
Join us to continue this collaborative adventure and keep up to date with upcoming events via our customer portal.
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With Evolucare, we’re working together to build a digital future for professionals and users in the medico-social sector.