AI and medical imaging: Evolucare is an active member of the AI DReAM project.

1 October 2020
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Consortium launched to accelerate AI in medical imaging


Evolucare participates in French Consortium AI DReAM, which involves GE Healthcare, Therapanacea, Pixyl, the Institut Curie, AP-HP, Gustave Roussy and the Saint-Joseph Hospital Foundation. It is designed to develop a French industry of excellence in the field of AI in health, thus strengthening France’s competitiveness on a highly competitive and dynamic market. This project, officially launched on September 29, is supported to the tune of €13 million by the Programme d’investissements d’avenir (PIA or Investing in the Future program), led by the General Secretariat for Investment and operated by Bpifrance” .

Project led by GE Healthcare

The purpose of the AI DReAM project is to design and provide the entire community of developers, hospital physicians and VSE-SMEs with an integrated platform that meets the challenges of all development stages of AI imaging applications, from data access (images and non-image) to clinical and industrial validation. The technological objective of AI.DreAM is to provide its users with shared software resources, flexible deployment to data infrastructures and regulatory mechanisms conducive to the registration of products.

Read the GE Healthcare press release

What will Evolucare’s role be ?

Evolucare has positioned itself as a key player on this platform. Our contribution will mainly focus on providing tools allowing platform users to easily access and manipulate available data sources, by structuring them according to known international repositories in the field of HIS (Hospital Information Systems). This is a great opportunity to increase Evolucare’s experience and offer in the field of HIS interoperability, while joining the international movement for the structuring and standardization of health data.