Covid-19, a word from Philippe Blanco, Chief Executive of Evolucare

7 July 2020
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Interview de Philippe Blanco dans DSIH

The most critical period in the coronavirus epidemic is now behind us. Businesses are gradually getting back to work. DSIH wanted to find out how the developers of digital healthcare solutions managed this unprecedented time. We also thought it could be enlightening to ask them about their vision for life after Covid. Here, we interview Philippe Blanco, Chief Executive of Evolucare.

What lessons have you learned in-house through your management of the Sars-Cov2 crisis ?

– In a personal light, I saw this crisis as an extremely rewarding experience. I took over as Chief Executive of Evolucare on January 6 2020, and two months later we entered a prolonged period of lockdown. I had no idea how the company, our employees, or our clients would react to this unprecedented situation, and I was extremely impressed by the resilience displayed by Evolucare management and staff. They proved able to quickly and spontaneously adapt their way of working to meet the needs of our clients, while a business continuity plan was developed.
What’s more, with our range of critical care solutions, we are very proud to have been able to make a contribution to our clients’ efforts to increase the capacity of intensive care units, and help health workers cope with this unprecedented situation.
The experience enabled us to learn about untapped resources within the company. Pour Evolucare, life after Covid will be even better than before. The situation we have just experienced has highlighted the need for us to trust our staff. They have the talent and resources that are needed to deal with situations like this. In a world marked by progress, we ultimately see that it is individuals that create success. That’s definitely one of the major lessons of this extraordinary period.

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