Anesthesia Mobile
Mobile pre-anaesthetic visit:
Traceability and safety closer to the patient

The working conditions of anesthesiologists were taken into account: congestion, standing, emergency…
Less paper, more accurate , more responsive and better documented processes.
Mobile functionalities that truly integrate into the Anesthesiologists’ workflow. State-of-the-art technology that can be used on standard tablets or on the personal phones of anesthesiologists (secure connections and data encryption) for the best cost/utility ratio.
Streamline the processes
- Workflow
- Filter by specialty, site…
- VPA Validation: Tactile ergonomics that allow users to validate, postpone or cancel with a simple touch of the finger
- Entry of comments on validation
- Displaying a selection of data from the anesthesia record
Alert functions
- Messaging
- Collection of patient alerts, Authorisation to leave the intensive care unit

- Multiplication of accesses
- Facilitated collection, input at the source
- No transcripts
- Productivity gains and significant reductions in operating costs
- Optimization of working time
- Reduced paper consumption and savings on ink cartridges, less strain on printers and copiers
Evolucare Anesthesia is a class IIa medical device manufactured by Evolucare Technologies (51901881600016). Please read the medical device leaflet carefully before use. Not included in the list of reimbursable products and services provided for in article L165-1 of the French Social Security Code.