This is the strategy implemented by Les Sources hospital in Nice, France. Testimonial by Ms. E. Priola, IT department…

Les Sources hospital – Nice
The hospital, founded at the initiative of a group of retirement institutions belonging to the AGIRC and ARRCO pension schemes, is a private establishment, non-profit association, and has been part of the public hospital service since 1988. It joined the UNIVI group in 2019.
Today, it proposes a range of healthcare services including acute care, geriatric care, a diagnosis and treatment center for complex wounds, resuscitation and continuous monitoring, outpatient care, rehabilitation, long-term care, external consultations, outpatient cardiac rehabilitation and, more recently, during the Covid epidemic, outpatient rehabilitation. The medical part has also developed specific expertise in the care of polypathologies related to cardiology-geriatrics.
A tool to meet everyday needs
Statistical reports, verification and validation of patient care pathways are now performed with Evolucare Analytics, in collaboration with healthcare teams who have expressed their requirements. These have been analyzed and refined to be configured in the tool. “If certain elements are missing, I create a ticket with the Evolucare teams and they get back to me very quickly,” explained Ms. Priola, who acts as an intermediary between the staff in the field and the IT tool.
Easy to use
Multiple reports have also been developed thanks to the fast learning curve: control of the transfusion activity, weight of the past three months vs current diets, comparison of practices in different healthcare units to optimize patient care, patient lists for drug reconciliation, new COVID schemes, etc. “Once you have had the initial training, and use the queries regularly, the tool is really quite simple to handle. Product upgrades develop curiosity and encourage the creation of new reports!” saluted Ms. Priola.
A revolution in terms of practices
“The generalized use of a decision-support tool like Evolucare Analytics has brought real changes to hospital practices,” she explained. Indeed, beyond its coverage in terms of data set, power and speed of execution and updating of information (in real time), the very affordable cost of the license enables wide deployment among the hospital’s teams.
All of the healthcare professionals use the tool, which offers very simple access to pre-configured reports, ready to be generated and updated automatically.
Team autonomy has thus improved and the considerable amount of time saved means more time to focus on patient care and improving logistics practices!
Recurrent requests for regulatory statistical reports (EFS, HOP’EN, CAQES, COVID, etc.) and the number of users who have adopted the tool also contribute to defining new needs! Ms. Priola therefore pursues her goal of improving the quality of the hospital’s IS by collaborating with the healthcare teams and the Evolucare teams, and shares her expertise with all the other healthcare establishments!
From training users to extracting medical data with Evolucare Analytics to configuring software, Ms. Priola knows the hospital IS inside out and acts as a relay with the software publishers.