Evolucare is committed to e-health

5 October 2020
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Engagé pour la santé

actively fill in the evaluation platforms

Policy for transforming our healthcare system

Our healthcare system has undergone profound changes in recent years, which have taken shape with the presentation in 2018 by the President of the Republic of a policy to transform our healthcare system.

Spearheaded by the Minister of Solidarity and Health, a national digital health roadmap was created in April 2019, reflecting a collective commitment to implementing digital health.

Its proposed guidelines involve a shared vision, particularly with industry professionals, of the objectives to be achieved and how to achieve them. The Ministry of Solidarity and Health, through the Ministerial Delegation for Digital Health (DNS), has committed to developing the e-health policy in France in conjunction with all the players in the ecosystem.

Manufacturers, who develop digital tools and services for professionals from the healthcare, medico-social and social sectors, as well as patients and users, are essential and unavoidable partners who contribute to the deployment of this e-health policy in France. The purpose of the “Committed to e-health” charter is to define the principles shared with the sector’s manufacturers, as well as the respective commitments of public authorities and manufacturers. For e-Health to move forward in France, it is essential that the roadmap’s actions be implemented in a climate of mutual trust, cooperation and joint development of the steps to be taken, shared responsibility, including in terms of investment strategies and associated business models, and within an ethical and humanistic framework. The support of the industry’s manufacturers who make these commitments is key and should encourage the emergence of e-health champions on the French market, as well as the consolidation of major industrial players on domestic and foreign markets. The roadmap is underpinned by the belief that all public and private initiatives can and must flourish, on condition that they comply with the values and the regulatory and technical frameworks defined by public authorities as guarantors of the general interest. 

State-platform concept

It defines the basic rules of construction, creates keystones and invites everyone to contribute to a collective undertaking. The first stage of this collective approach resulted in the publication of the technical doctrine in February 2020, following an extensive public consultation. It provides the framework of reference for digital health tools and services in the coming years. It is aimed in particular at the users of these digital health tools and services, whether they are contracting authorities (regional groups supporting the development of e-health, healthcare facilities, etc.) and/or project managers (solution vendors, integrators, etc.). They have all largely contributed to its content. The purpose of this doctrine is to consolidate the components of the core e-health foundation (reference systems, data repositories, secure and trustworthy core digital services). It forms part of an urbanization approach via nationwide digital platforms (Espace Numérique de Santé, package of services for professionals, health data platform or Health Data Hub). This is represented in the form of an “e-health home” (click on the image to enlarge the diagram). (Click on the image to enlarge the diagram).  


What are our commitments?

    1. Develop digital information systems, services and tools that comply with core reference systems (ethics, safety, interoperability) and core services (DMP or shared medical file, secure email, e-prescription, etc.);
        2. A

ctively fill in the evaluation platforms provided by public authorities, notably the “convergence” tool, to measure and declare the conformity of the digital information systems, services and tools developed to the technical doctrine;

    3. Participate in experiments and respond to consultations organized by public authorities;
    4. Propose the inclusion of the digital tools and services developed in the package of digital services for professionals and/or in the store accessible to citizens via the Espace Numérique de Santé;
    5. Help clients comply with ethical, safety and personal data protection principles;
    6. Communicate on the actions undertaken under the charter and use the “Committed to e-Health” logo on communication materials.