GAP – Billing

The administrative management of the patient
Our vision of patient administrative management is focused on efficiency and responding to the major challenges of institutions:
Identity management
Multi-tier coverage (social security, complementary health insurance, patient out-of-pocket, etc.)
Multi-establishments, configurable multi-rules based billing, etc.

- Identity server
- Complete treatment of the patient’s flow
- Management of the patient environment
- Management of statutory/complementary health insurances
- HL7 interoperability with third-party solutions
- Multi-rules based billing
- Multi-tier management
- Export of invoices to third party payers
- Automatic and decentralized quotation of billing elements (fees, overnight stays, meals, extras, care, laboratory, etc.)
Since the implementation of WebHospital in 2005, every paper document issued in the institution, for those that are still mandatory, is scanned and archived in digital format before filing. All the elements of the patient’s medical record are accessible to us in the electronic file.
Our mission is to verify all patient records and make sure they are complete before sending them to the billing department.
Of course, on a daily basis, we find misfiled documents or some information is missing.
With WebHospital, we detect ALL missing information without exception, which was impossible in the days of “paper” files.
The tool also allows us to easily “track” the document we are looking for: with traceability, we know who did what, and when… It is then easy to contact the right people to complete and close the file.
With WebHospital, we guarantee that 100% of files come out of our service 100% complete! Today, we handle more files with less stress and the certainty of fulfilling our mission without compromise. We take pride in providing work of this quality. It would be impossible without this tool.