Towards sustainable health
Evolucare is strengthening its commitment to corporate social responsibility in three areas: social impact, reducing our carbon footprint and a coherent CSR policy.
The aim is to become an ethical role model in the healthcare sector, while meeting stakeholder expectations and regulatory requirements.
Environment: objectives and action
Respect for the environment guides Evolucare’s initiatives. Waste sorting, a hybrid or electric fleet and the recycling of obsolete equipment are the foundations. In the long term, structural projects such as the installation of photovoltaic shading and low-energy lighting will complement these efforts. The company is also planning a life-cycle analysis of its products to offer more sustainable solutions to its customers.
Well-being at work and social impact
Evolucare places its employees at the heart of its social approach: three days’ teleworking, flexible working hours, advantageous mutual insurance and enriching induction days. Skills development is supported by training programmes.
Externally, Evolucare supports social projects such as Pact4all, which will be supporting the Doctor Clown association in 2024, and is committed to Planet Tech’Care for responsible digital technology. By promoting the circular economy through partnerships with social integration projects, Evolucare is working to achieve a wider social impact.

Reducing our carbon footprint
A carbon assessment carried out with partners such as R3, BPI and ADEME identified the priority areas for reducing emissions. A roadmap is being prepared to minimise our environmental impact over the long term. In addition, the CSRD directive has made it possible to define priorities such as cybersecurity and respect for patients’ rights, which are key issues for the coming years.
A collaborative approach
In 2025, Evolucare intends to raise awareness among its employees and increase transparency towards its customers and shareholders, to continue building a sustainable future in a sector where responsibility is becoming an imperative.
Photo: at work on the climate mural
CSR illustration: Stéphanie Herrbach