International Diabetes Federation (Thaïland)

HospitalWeb: a tool tailored to psychiatric practice
HOSPITALWEB Discover HOSPITALWEB Mental health needs are increasingly complex, requiring high-performance tools to ensure optimal care. WebHospital, as an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is perfectly adapted to psychiatric practice and offers specific...
Imago DU : A success story for the Handy’Up Group
The Handy’Up Group is taking a major step towards improving support for people with disabilities with the successful deployment of the Imago DU computerised user file in all its establishments. This digital transition, which will begin in 2021, represents a...
An eLearning solution to meet the challenges of the social care sector
Evolucare is committed to providing tailored solutions to the constant challenges faced by medical and social care organisations, such as regulatory changes, ongoing training needs and the integration of new professionals. Our eLearning platform dedicated to the...