Imaging: Evolucare announces new partnerships with Milvue and AZmed
The Evolucare imaging offering and especially its PACS now offers new opportunities to help with diagnosis thanks to two partnerships and artificial intelligence. MILVUE offers a solution designed for triage and offering assistance with diagnosis in emergency...
Evolucare Analytics revolutionizes hospital practices!
Data management is a key challenge in the health sector. The development of artificial intelligence algorithms based on data processing and analysis enables the development of tools for healthcare professionals to improve the quality of care and decision-making...
Electronic Medico-Social Services and Institutions (ESMS): A Unifying Challenge!
The Digitalization Program for the Social Care Sector (ESMS) is a tremendous growth opportunity for the Social Care Business Line through our Imago DU and Imago Senior solutions.

“Ségur de la Santé” and us
The french “Ségur de la Santé”, signed in July 2020, enshrine support for the massive and coherent development of digital health…