Evolucare joins forces with Blouses Roses

Evolucare joins forces with Blouses Roses

Evolucare joins forces with Blouses Roses: a partnership to put the smile back on your face At the start of 2025, Evolucare is enthusiastically unveiling its commitment to supporting the Les Blouses Roses association as part of its Pact4all initiative. The partnership...
Deployment of Imago DU at EPNAK

Deployment of Imago DU at EPNAK

DU Découvrir IMAGO DU A success for digital social care: the deployment of Imago DU at EPNAK EPNAK (Etablissement Public National Antoine Koenigswarter) is a flagship institution dedicated to welcoming and supporting people with disabilities. With a presence...
Human Resources: geographical mobility at Evolucare

Human Resources: geographical mobility at Evolucare

Geographical mobility: priority to balancing personal life and career! At Evolucare, geographical mobility is the embodiment of our commitment to our employees. Whether it’s a change of environment, moving closer to family or a desire for professional...
Imago at “Sésame Autisme Rhône-Alpes” and ISI DSI

Imago at “Sésame Autisme Rhône-Alpes” and ISI DSI

DU Discover IMAGO DU Sésame Autisme Rhône-Alpes and ISI DSI: A successful digital transformation with Imago Since 2021, Sésame Autisme Rhône-Alpes – SARA (Association serving people with Autism Spectrum Disorder) has been engaged in an ambitious digital...
Medical devices: Evolucare obtains MDR certification

Medical devices: Evolucare obtains MDR certification

INTENSIVE+ A major step forward for digital healthcare: Evolucare is now MDR-certified for all its Medical Devices. We are proud to announce that our portfolio of medical device products has received MDR (Medical Device Regulation) certification. This recognition...