How the Evolucare group aims to champion e-health

How the Evolucare group aims to champion e-health

The Evolucare group, an expert in IT systems for the healthcare industry, is experiencing a period of strong growth. With Essling Expansion acquiring a stake in its capital and the arrival of Philippe Blanco as the CEO, the group aims to triple its turnover in the...
OphtAI: Proactive Eye Care, Now Possible

OphtAI: Proactive Eye Care, Now Possible

World Health Organization’s recent study, ‘world report on vision 2019’ revealed that population growth and ageing—along with lifestyle changes and urbanization—will ‘dramatically increase’ the number of people with eye conditions, vision impairment, and blindness in...
An IT system 100% adapted to caregivers

An IT system 100% adapted to caregivers

A loyal HopitalWeb customer for the past eight years, Clinique des Hêtres in Le Cateau Cambrésis regularly expands the scope of its information system. This progressive evolution is facilitated by the publisher’s modular strategy. Donatien Plez, Quality Assurance...