Personalized medical supervision by an evolving expert system and a connected medical device
General information :
Funding: Investing in the Future program PSPC 5/BPI
Supporting clusters: Medicen, Systematic, S2E2, Eurobiomed
Budget: €13.3 M
Duration: 36 months
- Companies: EVOLUCARE Technologies (IS), INES (connected objects)
- R&D Laboratories:
- MIS (UPJV): Modelling, Information & Systems
- CRP-CPO (EA 7273, UPJV): Psychology research center: Cognition, psyche and organizations
- EA 4390 (UPEC): Risks in complex care systems
- Hospitals:
- Supporters: APHP, CHU de Nîmes
- Researchers: APHP (run by URC Henri Mondor), CHU de Nîmes
- Co-researchers: 10 university hospitals, 20 hospitals
Medical topics:
Surgery, Supervision, Personalized Medicine, Short stays, Vital signs, Outpatients, Support, Prevention, Care organization
Technical topics:
e-health, m-health, Telesurveillance, Connected Medical Device, Artificial Intelligence, Neuronal networks, Genetic programming, Reactive programming, Expert medical algorithms, Profiling, Smart alerts, Real time, Self-improvement, IoT, Apps

The goal of the “Smart Angel” project is to develop a high-performance digital system (able to be integrated into different existing information systems) dedicated to patient monitoring and support throughout their pathway, including when they are discharged.
It is part of the extensive transformation of healthcare institutions triggered by information and communication technology. It also addresses the issue of cloistered institutions and the need to open them up to the outside world and bridge them to the community.
Most importantly, it is in line with the new approach—4P medicine: Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participative.
Connected objects, artificial intelligence and our 20 years of expertise in patient data and care organization will contribute to the design of a smart alert system. “The right information, at the right time and to the right person.”